Software Services

SOFTWARE SERVICES Software is essential to achieve high results and cost optimization. The choice of software should be tailored to your idea and fully tailored to your business and business process. Determining or developing the appropriate software from the Software Services in Lahore team includes the following services: 1. Definition of business requirements, 2. Planning and design, 3. Development and testing, 4. Training and support, 5. Migration and modernization, 6. Project management, DEFINITION OF BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS The definition of each business process requires a correct approach to reflect the accumulated ideas in a particular development. It is necessary that all of these ideas and requirements set by the various stakeholders in this process are reflected and put in line with other pre-requisites or exigencies in the business process. In order for all this t

Web Development

Web Development, Software House in Lahore

Like any self-respecting Web agency, Predesignate is able to offer you web development services. Integration of additional functions in an existing CMS, creation or maintenance on a dedicated application, link between your web and your CRM, full development of your website, etc. So, We can offer you a wide range of services, in various programming languages ​​(HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVA SCRIPT, MySQL ...). Web development is involved in many areas, and it is not always easy to navigate for customers. Our web agency offers you this short article that may help you to see more clearly.

What is Web Development?

When people hear about the job of web developer, most of the time, they do not really know what the job is. They have the impression that development is a little obscure thing where it comes to "code making". So, If we read the definition proposed by Wikipedia about developers , we must admit that we are not really advanced:

In computer science, In other word, a developer or programmer analyst is a computer scientist who makes software and implements it using programming languages.

It is understood here that it is necessary to use "programming languages". But what is it?

To start, you should know that a computer, in its most basic level, only works with suites of 0 or 1. If the machine perfectly understands this system, for humans, it is not always very clear. To communicate with computers, we have created the famous programming languages. One of the developer's roles is to write programs (successive task sequences) using the programming languages ​​that computers will have to execute. The developer thus makes the link between the customer's requests and the tasks performed by the machine. There are different languages, which meet different requirements, different logics, and also allow different tasks to be handled.

We talk about web development when the instructions will be put in place on the Internet and executed on servers (for example a website). It uses specific programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and many others. Most of the time, you have to combine several languages ​​and use them wisely, for example to build a website.

Web Development, Software House in Lahore

The stages of developing a website

Following what we read just above, you could think that just write a few lines of code to have his website. In fact, the reality is quite different.

Indeed, the role of the developer does not stop writing programs. He must also know how to analyze customer demand to propose the most suitable solution. In our web agency, the request is first sided by a sales consultant who is in more direct contact with the customer.But to offer a final solution to the customer, the developer plays a key role in the construction of the project. He brings his expert eye to design a solution that is technically efficient to meet the customer's expectations. Thus, for example, if the customer wants to be able to manage the content of his website himself, there is a good chance that the developer proposes the use (or creation) of a CMS . The developer also works closely with graphic designers who develop the models to define what is possible and wise to do. That's why we talk about the job of analyst-developer.

Similarly, once the first phase of development comes to an end, the developer will have to test and debug the website. This phase is very important because it is a question of ensuring that all the desired functionalities are implemented in a functional way, and that the website is correctly displayed whatever the navigation terminal used (notion of responsive design ) .

Finally, to propose the best possible solutions, the developer must keep up to date on the latest technologies used. Indeed, new technologies or ways of doing things can bring solutions where we were previously blocked. That's why our Web agency Predesignate performs regular watch work.

Feel free to leave us a comment if you still have questions about web development, the developers of our web agency will be happy to answer.

The web developer is today the most popular profile in the digital world. Why ? Due to the insufficient number of developers trained each year in France and interesting prospects,

Web Development, Software House in Lahore

Software House in Lahore

Professionalization program aiming to make you / maintain competitive on the labor market. You will not only learn a succession of languages ​​but will integrate the basics of development in order to apply your algorithms to the coding language of your choice.


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